
So in love with .

Just want to list down things that i’m in love with and addicted with.. Bread Smuckers (Peanut butter and jelly) Facebook Movies (romantic comedy) Chocolate Neat and tidy bed Wendys Losing weight (my underarm and tummy) RandomActs Novels (English and Bahasa) Blogging Meeting new people Be silent Cars Sit ups 30 times a day Pierre… Continue reading So in love with .



I am soo into Pop Tarts now.just pop it inside a toaster and that’s all!yummy and most importantly, sweet!currently im into smores.later maybe i’ll be tasting the strawberries after this ๐Ÿ™‚ yummy2 treats!

cats whiskers ·

Birthday Present Dayana & the stories behind :)

Yesterday i went back home just to accompany my mum because my dad is not in Malaysia right now.he went overseas to UK.maybe this Sunday he’ll be back.cant wait for the chocolates and also other stuff that he will buy for but i like my dad to be at Japan because he’ll bring me… Continue reading Birthday Present Dayana & the stories behind ๐Ÿ™‚